Historic pattern-recognition analysis of the 1976, 2007, 2010 fakedemics: 3 core ingredients and their enablers
They refined their strategy with successes with swine flu 1976, pertussis 2007, and swine flu 2010: from these experiences they learned that medical orgs/docs complied and they had no resistance
All three fakedemics of 1976, 2007, 2010 used the same 3 major components,
fake diagnostic criteria,
fake fear, leveraged ignorance,
vaccine profiteering
detailed below:
1. Fake diagnostic criteria; overuse of inaccurate lab testing; presumption that “positive test” is identical to a clinical-pathological diagnosis: Inaccurate testing, most commonly the misuse of PCR testing.
Note that this could only persist with the coordinated agreement of:
Major medical/health organizations: eg, American Medical Association, American Board of Internal/Family Medicine, Infectious Disease societies, American Chiropractic Association, American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, etc
Government regulators: eg, US CDC: Centers for Disease Commercialization/Control, NIH, and
Professional organizations on laboratory standards: eg, American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS), its 9,000 clinical laboratory practitioner members, and more than 50 state and regional constituent societies; National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS)
2. Fake fear, leveraged ignorance, media/government overreaction/propaganda:
Doctors are trained to see each infection separately in order to avoid seeing common traits that would allow them to implement an effective clinical protocol; the goal of medical education is to force doctors to see each infection as a separate condition needing separate drugs and separate vaccines so that doctors will not generalize and use science-based immune-supporting interventions, especially nutrition. Via their indoctrinated ignorance, doctors—also the general public—are easily manipulated into fear and corralled into drug-vaccine compliance.
I published Antiviral Nutrition in 2014 when I could see that the virus hysteria was taking over the conversation and that the medical profession was complicit in the media-fueled fear-mongering even when it was anti-science and anti-medicine and anti-ethics. My 2014 book was banned in March 2020: academia.edu/42330017
3. Vaccine profiteering machinery/vortex:
Media, doctors, and politicians are all paid for vaccine-drug compliance: actively/passively/directly/indirectly. We have never had a fake pandemic that did not also have a high-profit vaccine waiting for its implementation. If pandemics were real and legitimate “events of nature” then the probability is that nature would not self-select and prioritize these spontaneous mutations based on vaccine-availability and corporate profitability. See following illustration from academia.edu/38476348
We have never had a fake pandemic that did not also have a high-profit vaccine waiting for its implementation. If pandemics were real and legitimate “events of nature” then the probability is that nature would not self-select and prioritize these spontaneous mutations based on vaccine-availability and corporate profitability. See illustration from academia.edu/38476348

}I published Antiviral Nutrition in 2014 when I could see that the virus hysteria was taking over the conversation and that the medical profession was complicit in the media-fueled fear-mongering even when it was anti-science and anti-medicine and anti-ethics.
My 2014 book was banned in March 2020: academia.edu/42330017