Debunking MISINFORMATION and DISINFORMATION from NEW YORK TIMES against KENNEDY and NUTRITION: what hope can we have for our society when our top infosources are bogus?

The primary function of the mass media in the United States is not to inform and educate but to shape public opinion to favor corporate power/profit: 1) MEDICINE, 2) WAR, 3) CONSUMABLES/ADDICTIONS



Bad anti-nutrition writing from the NYT:

Worthless words as subjects:

  1. "There are..."

  2. "It is..."

  3. "It would be..."

  4. "They/experts say..."

Logical fallacies:

  • Distractions, misrepresentations, oversimplification, overgeneralization, confounding of cause/contribution, dilution of the conversation with trivia,

Misleading rhetoric for radical relativism to avoid meaningful conclusions:

  • unclear & vague: maybe, some, possible downsides

  • confusion of definitions and categories

The primary function of the mass media in the United States is not to inform and educate but to shape public opinion to favor corporate power/profit:

  1. MEDICINE-PHARMA (drugs, vaccines, surgeries),

  2. ADDICTIONS/CONSUMABLES (alcohol, tobacco, ultra-processed foods [UPF],

  3. MILITARY AGGRESSION (eg, weapons sales)


The professional-managerial class has to be constantly indoctrinated by pseudo-intellectual "fake news" publications such as CNN, NPR, BBC, Guardian, Scientific American, New York Times…

  • The upper 20% of the society is the professional-managerial class: somewhat educated, somewhat influential, the "bosses"/teachers/doctors/white-collar professionals but not the "owners" above and not the (80%) staff, workers, followers below.



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NYT has consistently proven itself to be a garbage tabloid of antiscience propaganda; see my three (3) reviews linked below

DrV’s Newsletter, Notes, Essays, Articles, Videos, and Book Chapters
COUNTERING the PBS-NYT-JAMA-NEJM-HARVARD COORDINATED DISINFORMATION against Nutritional Supplements, Fish Oil, to promote "prescription-only" drug sales
In 2016, PBS-NYT published a biased hit-piece docudrama against nutritional supplementation in general and the nutrition industry in particular; this was part of a coordinated effort that included an onslaught of bogus research that would not be published until 2018 in order to condemn…
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DrV’s Newsletter, Notes, Essays, Articles, Videos, and Book Chapters
New York Times legacy interview with Dr Atonof Falsity: Final Section, part5, 48minutes [NytFauci5]
See final video (“part 5”) embedded in this page (above); I still plan to review the large nearly-three-hours review of “part 4” but changes if any will be cosmetic and the part5 on this page will be integrated into part4 for reasons described in the video provided above…
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DrV’s Newsletter, Notes, Essays, Articles, Videos, and Book Chapters
Beware the Medical-Military Complex: They will "protect you" into a fascist surveillance state of mandatory drugs, microchips, and the (anti)social credit system
See video excerpt embedded on this page…
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