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Scientific American's “What Vitamins and Minerals Really Do in Your Body” (June2024) is distraction, rhetoric, and misdirection

**See my video review included on this page**

Scientific American Magazine recently published “What Vitamins and Minerals Really Do in Your Body” (July 2024 10.1038/scientificamerican)…but is the article of any value or is it just distraction, rhetoric, and misdirection?


**See my video review above**


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COUNTERING the PBS-NYT-JAMA-NEJM-HARVARD COORDINATED DISINFORMATION against Nutritional Supplements, Fish Oil, to promote "prescription-only" drug sales
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DrV’s Newsletter, Notes, Essays, Articles, Videos, and Book Chapters
Barcelona’s George Orwell Plaza now has multiple surveillance cameras, ironically confirming that Big Brother has arrived, has been normalized, and has been ignored (BCN2024a)
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