This is a spontaneous video in which I talk about sales techniques but I start with a tangent on how I fixed my shoulder pain after trying several months of other interventions that didn’t work:
Part1 of this video: Quick resolution of my shoulder biceps tendonitis with chiropractic HVLA / osteopathic mobilization to correct Instantaneous Axis of Rotation
Part2 of this video: Sales techniques for business, review and commentary
In this video in which I eventually talk about business/sales strategies, I talk about how I fixed my multimonth shoulder problem by remembering a "chiropractic" concept of Instantaneous Axis of Rotation (IAR) and its manipulative correction.
Patients with chronic shoulder pain—just as those with chronic neck pain, etc—commonly have abnormal IAR which is generally quite easily and rapidly correctly by chiropractic-style (HVLA) manipulation or more “osteopathic”-style mobilization.
I’m well aware that the concept of Instantaneous Axis of Rotation (IAR) is well described in the physiotherapy and biomechanical literature and that it is not specific to chiropractic. See video for discussion.
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